Tag: design industry
Unlocking the Design Puzzle: Decoding the Concentration of Work in the Design Field
I was recently reading a blog from a famous collective page which discussed how only 1% of Designers do 99% of the work, especially in the design world, which made me wonder if the validity of this rumored saying. What drives this complex issue, and why does it persist? While it may seem unfair or…
Decoding UX Jargon: A Simplified Guide to Understanding UX Terms
Are you new to the field of UX or are you just finding yourself dumbfounded while going through pages and articles on UX with big terms and jargons you can’t understand?Trust us, even we find it difficult at times to wrap our heads around some jargon our fellow experts keep throwing around once in a…
Is the ability to code essential to succeed as a designer?
Six of the top ten most sought-after skills online are all related to code, and if they want to succeed in today’s design industry, designers need a deep familiarity with the technology and coding skills necessary to build and manage successful digital products.